Consejo Latino
Christian Reformed Church
Creating a philosophy of ministry document is an attempt to unite Latino pastor within the denomination and those affiliating as pastors.
Praise (Worship)
Life is reflected in the way we worship God. The great variety of traditions, customs and origins among the Latino people, is manifested in every aspect of our daily life and of course music as a cultural legacy is a very important part of Latino expressions in different contexts.
List of activities and dates planned by the Consejo Latino
As a community of believers,
we seek to introduce people to Jesus Christ
and to nurture their faith through all ages and stages of life.
News & Reflections
Worship as a cultural expression of the Latino people
Biblical support: Psalm 100: Make a joyful noise unto the Lord, all ye lands. 2 Serve the Lord with gladness: come before his presence with singing. 3 Know ye that the Lord he is God: it is he that hath made us, and not we ourselves;...
Where are you seeing diaspora groups/CRC ethnic minority groups flourishing?
Local Mission Leader Classis Greater Los Angeles Mirtha M Villafane. We are seeing several groups of diaspora immigrants flourishing in the United States. However, I am going to focus on the Hispanic or Latino community because my work from Resonate is concentrated...
Contact us
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